Football Mastery Term 1

MUMFC Mastery
Welcome to 2025 and the return to school this week, I hope that everyone has had a positive school holiday break.
Football Mastery for Term 1 will be a 8-week term on Monday evenings at a cost of $240 for MUMFC players and $320 for non-MUMFC players.
Weeks 1-3 = 10, 17, 24  February
(Noting that March 3 is the public holiday)
Weeks 4-7 = March 10,17, 24, 31
Week 8 = April 7
U6-U9 will be from 1700-1800,
U10-U12 will be from 1815-1915
Location is the synthetic pitches at Murdoch University.
If you are interested in attending please reply to this email.

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