Joining MUMFC

Joining MUMFC is easy and we look forward to welcoming all players for the next football season commencing March/April. Registrations will open early January of the new season, through the new FOOTBALL Network at “PlayFootball”.

Click the ‘Register Now’ button to go the ‘PlayFootball’ website to complete registration.

If you intend to use a KidSport voucher towards your child’s membership, please contact the Registrar before registering.

If you are new to football in Australia, you will first need to create a Football Australia (FA) account. If your last football club was overseas, you may need to also obtain an international clearance before you can play matches in Australia. Please contact the Registrar before registering for further information.

Things to Remember when joining MUMFC

  • We are a big Club with limited match and training pitch space. In previous seasons, we have had to close off some Junior and Miniroos memberships by March. We try not to turn players away but we advise you to register and pay early to secure your place and avoid any chance of disappointment.
  • The Club endeavours to make registration and team allocation as smooth as possible, processing more than 1200 junior players into over 100 teams each with the right number of players.  The Club has a firm policy of “player before team” – trying to place players in the best team for their ability while also trying to place them with friends where possible. 

  • Unless you have already trialled and been offered a place in one of the Junior Development League teams, do not select this option in available products.
  • The registrar deals with hundreds of registrations and does not have ANY details about coaches, training nights, etc. If you have any footballing or team allocation questions, check other parts of our website or contact one of the section VPs.
  • If you have a problem with or question about the actual registration process or payment, the best way to reach the registrar is by e-mail
  • Remember – registration is not complete until full payment has been received. MUM FC players must be fully financial prior to playing games, including pre-season.

Membership Information

Membership Fees

Miniroos Saturday U5-U9 (in-house)$260
Miniroos Sunday U10-U12 (boys/girls)$345
Junior Academy U9-U12$345 + Academy Levy
Junior U13-U18 (boys/girls)$345
Junior Development League$345 + JDL levy
Women's NPL$460
State League Teams (Men)$440
Adult Amateurs (O18)$345
Adult Socials (O18)/Masters (O35/O45)$320
Training Only Member$205
KidSport voucher recipientsvoucher + balance of fee
Note: 1. $20 Early Bird discount offered on all community fees from U10 onwards - requires payment upfront and registration before 1 March. 2. Regulation ( Football West & Football Australia ) fees are additional.

Refund Policy

  • For withdrawal prior to season commencement, the Club will try to offer a full refund less a $50 admin fee plus costs for any Club clothing already issued and used. After season commencement, the Football West & FA fees are non-refundable and therefore cannot be passed on.
  • Full refunds will be given if players have been accepted into the Club but for whatever reason cannot be placed in a team, or for players allocated to teams which fold pre-season for insufficient numbers or in the unlikely event that a volunteer does not come forward to coach.
  • Academy / JDL / MSL / NPLW levy deposits are non-refundable.
  • In the case of long-term injury or certain personal circumstances, the Club may at its discretion offer a proportionate fee reduction or refund.
  • No refunds are available after 30th June.

Playing Kits

The Club tries to package gear and playing strips to fit the need. Every year all Junior and Senior active club members will receive playing socks and shorts through their team coach/manager. 

Miniroos Saturday players will receive a complete playing strip. NPL and State League kit packages are provided as part of the section levy. Junior and Senior match day jerseys are used for a number of years and remain the property of the Club – these must be returned to the Uniforms Coordinator through your team manager at the end of the season.

Concessions and Financial Assistance

Students from Murdoch University and other tertiary institutions are welcome at MUM FC. Tertiary level students (born in or before 2003) playing in non-State League teams ( Metro or Amateurs ) are entitled to a $50 fee discount. Current tudent ID must be produced on registration.

KidSport will provide eligible families with up to $500 annually for each of their children aged 5-18 years, to subsidise membership fees of a sporting club. Eligible families include those with health care cards or pension concession card, or those referred by other community groups (schools, juvenile justice teams, government agencies, health practitioners).

KidSport recipients are required to pay the balance (after voucher) of the player registration fee.

For further information, including applications click the button below.

In exceptional circumstances when KidSport vouchers do not apply, and at the Club’s discretion, we also consider applications for phased cash payments or Club-supported scholarships (contact the Registrar).

Health care or pension concession card holders aged 18 and over are offered a fee discount of $50. Please scan and email a copy of the current card to the Registrar prior to registration. This does not apply to State League teams.

Training Only membership may be available where players are accepted to train with a team but no space on match days is available.

About Your Fees

Running one of Perth’s largest football clubs is a huge undertaking.  While we have a fantastic community spirit, we do not benefit from some community aspects seen in other clubs such as sponsorship and grounds.

Sponsorship in some clubs amounts to well over $100,000 pa and of course in such circumstances, these vital sponsorship dollars provide access to lower registration fees and better facilities. Unlike many other junior sports, participation in football in WA receives no subsidisation of any description from the state or national bodies.

Murdoch University Melville FC is run by a hard-working voluntary committee who put in many hours each week to keep your Club operating well.  Here are some of the areas that we spend money on in order to keep the Club running smoothly:

  • Team photos
  • Trophies
  • Goals and nets
  • Footballs (the club purchases about 400 new footballs each season, and yes, we do reuse those from the prior year that are not worn out)
  • Match balls – special better-quality balls to be reserved for matches
  • Council ground fees
  • Clubroom rental fees
  • Football West registration fees, including insurance for every registered player and Club member
  • Uniforms
  • Coaching
  • Advertising, eg season launch days 
  • Fines – paid to Football West
  • Building insurance
  • Linemarking – fortnightly throughout the season, and more often in wet weather
  • Electricity (includes  flood lights)
  • Temporary ground hire where needed
  • Web site hosting and technical support
  • Gas and water for kitchen and showers
  • Other training equipment (poles, etc)
  • First aid
  • Sponsorships of players entering state or national competitions
  • Competition entry fees
  • Physio fees (mandatory for Women’s NPL and Men’s State League matches)
  • Subsidy toward coaching courses in Football West accredited courses
  • Annual audit fees of our accounts
  • Toilet paper, stationery, printing, signage
  • Cleaning of the clubrooms and change rooms each week
  • And on it goes…

We are approached from time to time about fund-raising activities which might relieve the burden on membership fees, however “every good idea needs at least two volunteers”…

Should you feel that you have something to contribute, by way of sponsorship or a fund-raising idea that you can own and operate on behalf of the Club, please bring it to the attention of the committee.  We meet every 2nd Monday of the month from 7pm-10:30pm.  Join us!


The lack of volunteers is always an ongoing concern and in 2013 the Committee decided to introduce a “Volunteer Levy” payable once per family  to highlight the need for and encourage volunteer assistance in the successful operation of the Club.

We continue to retain this contribution element to encourage member volunteer participation. A $50 rebate on the levy is offered per family for helping in a few key team positions (coach / manager) or in a significant club-wide capacity (e.g. busy bees, kit sorting and distribution, match day marshalling). As a general rule, “significant” is estimated to be around 5 hours or more. Please indicate how you may be able to help during online registration