MUMFC Masters and Social Football
Murdoch University Melville runs four Masters teams, including a golden oldies/over 45s team, who train on Thursday nights and play on Sunday afternoons down at either Len Shearer or Winthrop Reserves. We train all year round and enter various summer, off-season competitions.
If you’re keen for a kick, even if you haven’t put the boots on in anger for sometime, feel free to come down for a kick. For more information email Brad Hames Masters Co-ordinator –

Adult Amateur and Social Football
Adult Amateur and Social Football
Murdoch University Melville FC is represented in both Division 4 and Division 5 of the Men’s Sunday(Amatueurs) League. With a relatively young squad keen for success, the lads are expected to train hard every Tuesday and Thursday evening in preparation for Sunday afternoon games during the season. The majority of the squad have played together now for consecutive seasons, forming a close-knit and outgoing atmosphere around the club. Being a part of the Sunday League also means getting involved in many social events and plenty of beers! If you are eager for competition and success, and keen to join a great group of lads growing in both stature and age, please email for more information.
MUM FC is also represented with 4 teams in the Metro (Social) League. Whilst not as competitive as the Sunday League, this still offers a great way for young adults to play football at a good standard.
Training on various evenings, with games on Sunday afternoon.