Volunteering at MUMFC
Volunteers are the lifeblood of our club. We have in excess of 160 committee members, coaches, managers, assistant coaches and numerous others who play a key role to ensure the 1600 players can get onto the pitch each match day. With this comes hours of preparation, planning, and consistent execution.
As a club, we are always on the lookout for more help. Clearly, a squad of able coaches and managers is important for fielding teams each week. However, there are many other roles that keep the club operating at an executive level and behind the scenes. If you think you have skills in any areas, we would love to hear from you. You can start by contacting our Club Secretary, hit the VOLUNTEER NOW button below.
MUM FC supports our volunteers in a number of important ways, as described below.
A $50 rebate on the levy is offered per family for helping in a few key team positions (coach / manager) or in a significant club-wide capacity (e.g. busy bees, kit sorting and distribution, match day marshalling). As a general rule, “significant” is estimated to be around 5 hours or more. Please indicate how you may be able to help during online registration.

We Encourage and Support Our Volunteers
Our constitution has detailed role descriptions for our most senior and executive roles.
There is assistance for coaches in the form of policies and assistance for anyone wishing to become an accredited coach.
We have Manager’s guides which has information about administration of a team, from filling in match cards, through to putting together parent rosters.
There is also an Age Coordinator’s pack which has more information on running grading, selecting coaches and other information.
As part of our club’s accreditation, we need all volunteers in every capacity to register on the same MyFootballClub web site as used by players. Simply click the Register Now button.
Twice a season we like to get all of our coaches and managers, along with their spouses/partners to join us for a social ‘thank you’ event in our club rooms at Len Shearer Pavilion. Look out for your email invitation from the club committee once the season is in full swing
Financial Assistance for Volunteers

We understand that our volunteers personally give many hours of their time to the club. We offer financial support for volunteers through four programs:
1. Volunteer Levy Refund – Every player registration includes a component to cover the volunteer levy. We all know families who, for whatever reason, are not able to take a volunteer role in the club. But for those who do and contribute more that 5 hours per season, we offer a refund of the volunteer levy paid by coaches, managers and other volunteers. Click here to find out more about the volunteer levy and how to get your refund.
2. Executive Committee Fee Refund – If you take an executive committee position, then the hours are usually more significant. Members of the executive committee are able to obtain a refund against fees (for themselves or child/children) of up to $500 per season.
3. Life Membership – Committee members who have put in continued effort over a number of years are able to earn life membership to the club. There is strict criteria to attain life membership and if you think you know of someone who has made a significant contribution to the club over a sustained period, then please inform the club secretary. Life Memberships are awarded annually at the AGM (usually around October/November).