Expressions of interest are invited for our upcoming season 2021 Junior NPL squad trials.
All players (including existing MUMFC players) are required to submit an expression of interest form. Note trials are by invitation only – uninvited players arriving to trial will be turned away.
Expressions of interest close on Mon 12th October.

Season 2021 Junior NPL trials – conditions
- Trials for Junior NPL squads are by invitation only – uninvited players arriving to trial
will be turned away - All players (including existing MUMFC players) are required to submit an EOI
- Players will be required to trial within their correct age group unless otherwise
advised by the Technical Director. Talented players may subsequently be offered the
opportunity to trial in an older age group, including for Men’s State League U18. - Non-MUMFC members, on invitation to trial, must pay a $100 deposit to secure their
place at trials:
unsuccessful trialists’ deposits will be refunded in full
successful trialists’ deposits will be deducted from their 2021 Club fees
no-shows and players declining an offer will forfeit their deposit - All players, parents and spectators are bound by the Club’s Code of Conduct, found
at https://www.mumfc.com.au/images/pdfs/MUMFC_Code_of_Conduct.pdf
I have read and confirm I will abide by the MUMFC Code of Conduct Here - Parents/carers must commit to assist with at least one voluntary role for the Club –
this is a condition of entry into the program.
Trial dates
U13: Sun 18 & Thu 22 Oct
U14: Mon 19 & Fri 23 Oct
U15: Tue 20 & Sat 24 Oct
U16: Wed 21 & Sun 25 Oct
All trials will be held at Murdoch University synthetics.
For any further information about the program, contact Academy Vice President Ryan
Menezes at academy@mumfc.com.au