All About MUMFC
Murdoch University Melville (MUM) FC is an incorporated not-for-profit association managed by volunteers. MUM FC is a member of Football West, the governing body of our sport in Western Australia. The club is dedicated to providing facilities and opportunities for people of all ages to learn and play football. Our teams start from 5 years of age and go all the way through to 95 (although our oldest player currently is only 73)!
History of MUM FC
The Club has gone through a number of name changes over the years. Founded in 1969, the Club was originally known as Melville City Junior Soccer Club, with all home games played at Tompkins Park in Applecross. The Club’s foundation Committee were Messrs M.Ginn, N. McDonald, W.Newstead, A.Taylor, H.Ciesla, R.Hedley, L.Strickland and Mrs Hainsworth.
In the early 1980s as the adult membership expanded considerably, the Club was
renamed Melville City Soccer Club, dropping the “Junior”.
Following the world name of our sport, in 2011 we changed from Soccer to Football, becoming Melville City Football Club.
With our affiliation with Murdoch University in 2017 under the guidance of President David Kindness, the name was again changed. The name Murdoch University Melville FC retains an important link to our Melville heritage, whilst picking up the Murdoch University prefix through the development of two top-class synthetic fields at the university.

Presidents of Murdoch University Melville Football Club
Since 1969, there have been many Presidents of the Club. All have contributed significantly to our success however the following deserve special mention:
Dave Bickerton 1982 - 1985
Dave Bickerton was instrumental in maintaining the huge success of ‘’Country Week’’ a carnival where country teams came to Melville towards the end of each season to compete in a knock out type competition.
Dave was instrumental in establishing the Club with a good solid administrative and legal footing, activating professional auditing at the end of each season and formulating a strong tenancy arrangement with the City of Melville to ensure the club had a guaranteed ground for many future years.
Dave Nurse 1987 - 1990
The Club became Melville City Soccer Club during Dave Nurse’s presidency between 1987 and 1990 – a time period when the club formulated its ‘’Incorporation’’ and established a long term understanding with the City of Melville that they would become the major tenants of Len Shearer with the Athletics Club (the summer time associated tenant).
During Dave’s presidency the club established itself as the tenant responsible for the clubrooms obtaining then the benefit of sub-letting the main hall to many interested user groups such as Playgroups, Yoga clubs etc.
Dave’s involvement with Melville City as a member was from September 1979 to September 1990.
Kevin Ramsden 2001 - 2004
Kevin Ramsden was an excellent President who worked tirelessly for the club, he oversaw the club grow in strength from approximately 400 juniors and seniors to well over 800 in the three years he was President. During his presidency the ladies soccer increased immensely. His own daughters being very active in the Melville City ladies teams. Kevin was instrumental in obtaining in partnership with the City of Melville for the present floodlighting we all now enjoy at Len Shearer- the total commitment of the club towards those lights being approximately $80,000 which was fully paid by the club.
Grahame Davis 2006 - 2012
Grahame Davis has been also a brilliant President and has lifted the club into the twentieth century, with the introduction of a more professional approach to club management, telecommunications and working with the City Of Melville to improve the club facilities. Grahame introduced a modern web site which is improving every year and we are now considered in high regard among the ranks of all West Australian amateur soccer clubs.
Dave Kindness 2013 - 2019
Former President Dave Kindness, was a huge advocate of fostering ambition and was instrumental in the introduction of men’s State League at Melville City FC and in the partnership formed with the City of Melville and Murdoch University to transform our club from MCFC to MUM FC in 2017. With the expansion to Murdoch, adopting their name and the provision of synthetic football fields. This allowed the club to set itself up for next level playing competitions. Numbers achieved for membership reached 1350. As a player, coach and Football enthusiast, Dave was 100% passionate about membership meaning contribution to the club.
Michael Iannello 2019 - Present
Current President Michael Iannello has been a member of the Club for the majority of his life, playing through from Juniors to Seniors (and even coached by Dave Kindness!). It is rumoured that central midfielder Michael has scored the most +30 yard goals in club history (as well as shots off target). He first joined the Executive Committee in 2013 and has been an active volunteer and player since. He was instrumental in MUMFC securing a position in the inaugural Womens NPL competition in 2020.
Bryan Raeburn 2023 - Present
Current President Bryan has been a member of the Club for over 10 years since arriving from the east coast in 2014. He has been a volunteer coaching both of his children from the begging of their football journey and still continues to volunteer coaching as the journey continues. He has been a part of the masters setup after playing most of his days playing a decent level either in Australia or overseas. He also has been part of the masters set up for many years enjoying the relationships built within the club via both coaching and playing at the club. He now has moved into the running of the club which he brings a great number of skills to keep the club running to the levels expected in both the community and development spaces which sees MUMFC as one of the strongest and well respected clubs within WA. We currently have 1615 members within the club and he is looking forward to growth in further years to come.
Life Members
The club has granted Life membership to the following:
Other Notable Members
Several Club Secretaries should receive a mention as they gave tirelessly to the Club over many years. Judie Nealon (1993-2001) and C. McGhie (2002-2006) stood out amongst many. Rosemary Dunscombe devoted more than ten years to the club in the 1980s and 90s. Many others have contributed their time and deserve a mention, including Alan Liovich, Eddie Wandless, Harry Nolan, John Spreadborough, Ken Davis (Grahame Davis’s dad), Jim Derries, and Steve Richardson.