Major win for community and sporting facilities in WA
The Cook Government is once again showing its commitment to community sporting and recreation needs by providing a major source of funding for the year ahead – $24.2 million in total for facilities’ infrastructure and lighting up clubs at night.
State Government’s Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund hands out more than $20 million to 24 projects for 2024-25
Club Night Lights Program gives more than $3.4 million to 11 projects
Funds contribute to increasing physical activity and participation in sport by supporting the financing of community infrastructure and lighting up facilities for longer hours of use.
The Cook Government is once again showing its commitment to community sporting and recreation needs by providing a major source of funding for the year ahead – $24.2 million in total for facilities’ infrastructure and lighting up clubs at night.
More than $20 million is being handed out to 24 projects via the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF). Clubs and local governments are receiving funding for improvements such as new changerooms as well as football, netball, tennis, swimming, golf, bowling, BMX, and skate park facilities.
Meanwhile the Club Night Lights Program (CNLP) is dishing out more than $3.4 million to 11 projects to upgrade lighting or install new floodlights.
An advisory committee of community, local government, State Government, sporting and Aboriginal interests stakeholders are involved in the assessment of applications. Recommendations are then made to the Sport and Recreation Minister for approval.
A huge thank you to Kim Giddens for obtaining $1,200,000 to City of Melville for the redevelopment of changerooms at Len Shearer Reserve