Dear Club Member
Happy new year to you and your families. I hope you enjoyed the festive season & school holidays.
As always, plenty of club and football news to report heading into the 2021 season. I’ll limit this update to a few pieces of information.
2021 Registration
Registrations are open! All of our age groups & sections would have already received separate communications from our Registrar (Melinda) with registration instructions. Returning players and new players are all most welcome.
I’m pleased to report that the 2021 registration fees for our young Sunday players (ages 10-18) have been reduced from 2020. Amount of reduction varies by age due to differences in Football West fees for each age group.
The club has also introduced a family discount. For 3 or more full player registrations within the immediate family, the club will rebate 20% of the club portion for total registration fees paid. Conditions may apply, please contact our Registrar if you have any queries on this.
Link to our website registration page is here:
The draft 2021 Football West season calendar can be found at this link:
(Note that this calendar does not include our in-house Saturday MiniRoos competition…dates for this will be confirmed in the near future but likely to commence early May).
Returning 2020 Players
Returning players (from U10s up in 2020) will receive a complimentary MUM FC hoodie with their 2021 registration. These will be distributed around season commencement.
Club Community
We do plenty well in creating a community around the club. But there are many areas which we can do better and many ideas which need implementation. The strength of a clubs community is only as strong as the engagement and drive of the clubs members.
Your ideas and ability to help with betterment of our club community are always welcome. Feel free to get in touch with myself or a committee member or a coach (or anyone else you know at the club), and together, we can put ideas into motion.

Football Mastery
Our niche Football Mastery program run by Technical Director Mark Jones will be back in Term 1. Watch our website and Facebook page for details.
More information at this link:

Winthrop Park Upgrade
The existing Winthrop Park changeroom is being rebuilt sometime towards late 2021. The club has had ongoing involvement in the project over a number of years, to ensure this facility can meet the needs of all our playing members.
Details of the upgrade can be found at this link:
Containers for Change
The club has recently created an account for this recycling scheme. If you are willing to use this recycling scheme for your cans and bottles, and donate the income for our club, then please follow these steps:
1) install AppleWallet or Wallet Pass app (Apple version vs Android version)
2) download this pass (click here to download)
3) add this pass to your AppleWallet / Wallet Pass app
4) drop your cans or bottles at a recycling facility (e.g Tomra Recycling Facility at 46 McCoy St Myaree), using the barcode which is now in your app
This will make a small contribution to our clubs account (10c per container, and will also help the environment!

We are looking forward to the 2021 season. Various activities around the club will start ramping up over the next couple of months as we progress to the season start dates in April.
For the first time, we are hosting the Football West preseason Night Series for our top Women’s & Men’s senior teams. This is a great showcase for the club, and a chance for everyone to enjoy some football under lights in warm weather! Various fixtures held on Friday nights in mid-Feb to mid-March, so stay tuned to our Facebook page for further promos and details.
Thanks for reading and feel free to get in touch with any queries in the lead up to the 2021 season!
Michael Iannello
Murdoch University Melville FC – President
Mob: 0432 103 702