Training starts Thursday, February 9 at 6pm at Winthrop reserve (the big park on Winthrop avenue). After which, training will continue on Tuesdays & Thursdays, same time and day.
Registration is open for our girls teams. To access this, click here.
The early bird offer is available until end of February. After then, the fee will return to the standard rate (which has increased from last year). Find the girls “EARLY BIRD” selection. I suggest you all get in quick. Any questions regarding registration can be directed to our registrar, Mel, at registrar@mumfc.com.au or myself on the email below.
MUMFC are hoping to have one U16s and one U17s girls team, and hope to offer those wanting to play more “competitively” the opportunity to do so. This will not be confirmed until players are registered. For this to happen we need you all training & registered early, and encourage anyone you know interested in playing to come down!
The allocation into 16s or 17s will be determined by age and eligibility. If you would rather play for a certain age group or team, please let the Vice President know early.
Training opportunities with the social & elite womens teams will be available, which can be arranged.
Any other questions please feel free to email as below.
And to those new to our wonderful club, welcome to MUMFC!
Rosie Hames
Women & Girls VP- MUMFC 2023